As homeowners, we tend to believe that the air in our home is safe. But there are many occasions when the air in our home is more harmful than the air outside. Indoor Air Quality, IAQ, refers to how “dirty” the air within a building is. Dirty air contains particulate and microbes – making allergies and illnesses worse.

As we find IAQ increasingly important with COVID-19, we will be providing special pricing on our Indoor Air Quality services and products.

First responders, teachers, medical professionals and military service members also have exclusive pricing. We’re so grateful for your sacrifice during this time.

Listed here are our Indoor Air Quality services and products, along with the discounted pricing available to all:

American Standard Accuclean 17″ Air Cleaner Installed $1495.00

  • Removes 99.98% of allergens; 100 times more effective than a standard one-inch throwaway filter or ionic-type room appliance

Aprilaire Electronic Air Purifier – Model 5000- Installed $1645.00

  • Event based purification gives you the choice of when to filter your home, not just when your HVAC system is running

Best in class UV Air Purifier System Sanuvox R Max Installed $995.00

  •  Protect against airborne germs and alleviated respiratory difficulty caused by air quality

Iwave -R Residential Air Cleaner Each Nu-Calgon Installed $785.00

  •  Self cleaning, this device uses ions to kill air as it flows through the device

Nu-Calgon Evap-Fresh Coil Cleaning:

  •  A quick clean for most systems $69 For existing Service Club Members* $169 Regular Price

Sign up for the Service Club now for $99 ($189 value) and get coil cleaning for $69*

*(scheduled and performed before 5/1)