All October 2020, Marshall Mechanical is giving away a free iWave-R with every furnace or heat pump purchase and installation. Why? Because improving indoor air quality is something we at Marshall Mechanical can do to help those we serve.

October is the best time to review your home’s heating system to avoid unexpected bills or getting caught in the cold. With the Marshall’s local service and supply, we’re able to review your home’s system with you and install a new system quickly. Prepare for this winter by ensuring your home’s warmth and clean air.

“The furnace system in most homes gives our team of technicians the perfect opportunity to inspect your ducts and get the iWave-R installed,” founder Erik Marshall had this to say about the iWave-R, “The iWave-R requires no additional maintenance. But if you join our Service Club, we’ll check your iWave with every other system to guarantee the system’s longevity.”

The iWave-R also boasts a self cleaning function to further defend your home regularly. Retailing at $695, we hope providing this system free will protect the home’s of those we serve for year’s to come!

This offer can be extended to other unit purchases and installations during the month of October. While supplies last.